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Intellex Exploration System

Energy Graphics, Inc.

INTELLEX geographic information system will build and plot maps anywherein the world and manage the information database(s) from data capture andentry to reports and color plots. Energy Graphics provides the user witha complete set of culture and public domain information covering theoffshore United States. The data availability allows the user to beginmapping immediately.INTELLEX can incorporate third-party data such as production information,well tops, well location and attribute files, land grids, and outsidecontours.

Language: FORTRAN, C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: VME-based workstation system, SBus-based workstation system, Versatec VMEbus interface board, Versatec SBus interface board,
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

Energy Graphics, Inc.
1600 Smith Street Suite 4900
Houston, TX 77002
Phone: (713) 659-2201
Fax: (713) 659-2301